Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a BLESSED Easter this year!! By far the best part of the holiday was the fact that my sweet daughter Kate was able to come home for 5 days. Here is Kate and her sweet dog Lily. 
 Another wonderful part of our Easter was the fact that my Dad Harry and his wife (my Step Mom) Polly came to share the day with us as well!
My Dad just loves Lily! Can you tell?
...and he thought it would be fun for Lily to try his glasses on for size!
Honestly it was just so good to have us all together again and to have BOTH our children under one roof.
After breakfast the kids dug in to their Easter Baskets that the Easter Bunny filled up for them while they were sleeping. Even though the kids are now 16 and 21, we still follow our tradition of the kids leaving their empty baskets on the fireplace before they go to bed the night before. The kids have had these baskets since they were ittie bitties! In addition to the Easter Bunny generously filling their baskets with their favorite candies and small gifts, Kevin and I also gave the kids gifts this year. Kate received a new Chi flat iron for her hair and a trip to the nail salon with me for a mani/pedi.

 Kyle received a new golf bag! The bag that came with his golf clubs that we gave him for Christmas just did not have the options and features that this new bag has. Kyle was overjoyed to receive this new bag that he has been wanting for months now!
As can be seen below, Lily found another friend in Polly!
The Easter Bunny did not forget our Lily either! Here she is enjoying her Easter Cookie!
Our other tradition is an indoor egg hunt. Polly and I hid the eggs in the entry way, living & dining rooms and set the kids off to find them!
Kyle finds an egg at the base of the Easter tree!
The hunt is ON!
Kate finds an egg!
Kate wins the hunt since she found the most eggs!
We ate our Easter meal at 2. The menu consisted of Honey Baked Ham (a gift from Dad and Polly), cheesy potatoe casserole, green beans with lemons and pecans, fruit salad , deviled eggs and cresent rolls.
Kate, Kyle and Kevin got in line for some food! (and there's my Dad being a goof ball again!)
Polly fills her plate with the yumy Easter Dinner. After our wonderful meal we went to see a movie and then returned home for desert and to watch a couple of episodes of Modern Family. The day flew by, but was a wonderful time of being with family enjoying each other's company, good food and a few laughs.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.
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Hi Debi, I enjoyed your Family's Easter. It was wonderful that you could spend it with your Dad and Polly. God bless you.

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