Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Roses in bloom

When we moved in to our house, the many rose bushes were very neglected. So my Dad came down and pruned them all and showed me how to prune them. Since that time back in Sept., I've been pruning them weekly and watching them grow and flower. There is just something really special about having roses in your back yard.

Finally, the weather has cooled down considerably here. The past two weeks have been in the late 60's to early 70's most days with a few 80 degree days sprinkled in. I think we are officially done with 90 degree plus weather for a while. As if to say "it's finally fall!" our little apricot tree in our back yard's leaves are turning and falling. I love this little tree.



Your roses and tree are beautiful. My dad grew roses, but in the end, they were terribly neglected and almost like weeds! lol I hope the new owner of his home prunes them and loves them--like you do with your new roses.

I also like your fence. I grew up with a concrete block fence like that and loved the privacy. My DH has never seen a fence like that and thinks I'm nuts--but it's great noise control, privacy and just has such a solid feel, a separation of one's own space. I'm weird and have crazy neighbors and crave a fence like that! lol

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't hit blogs too often any more, but will add you to my list.

Kevin and Ashley

i'm so jealous!!! we had a beautiful rose bush in the front yard of our house in Louisiana. i think they roses were the same color as your beautiful roses!

it's one of the things i miss the most! i'm so glad i can live through you and your pictures! :)

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