Once he saw how much fun they were having though, he quickly went out to join them!
Way to fly Kate and Kevin!
On Christmas morning I made my sticky carmel buns that I've been making for years along with bacon and juice. We nibbled on breakfast in our pj's while opening our stockings and gifts.
Our plan after the movie was to go to PF Changs for dinner. However it was closed along with every other restaurant in town. We searched for almost an hour but could not find ONE restaurant that was open. We soon realized "we are not in Vegas anymore!", where we would have easily found an open restaurant! So we ended up taking fast food back to the house!! Not exactly the Christmas dinner we had in mind, but we all kept a good attitude about it. We topped of the evening all enjoying a slice of the grasshopper pie I had made (another tradition).
We look forward to Dad and Polly coming in from a week long vacation in Hawaii tonight and we will celebrate a 2nd Christmas with them on Sunday morning.
I was blessed to receive a NKJ version of the bible. (New King James Version) which is the version of the bible our pastor preaches from and we use in all our bible studies. It is leather bound and Kevin dedicated it to me. I also received some of my favortite Philosophy Amazing Grace body wash and lotion and a big soft "Comfy Robe" in Christmas red. I love all my gifts!
I loved the story of driving around looking for a restaurant and realizing...we're not in Vegas anymore! That will be a funny family memory for years to come!
Mmmm...I remember the grasshopper pie...think you made it for our ladies' Bible study in Vegas?
Glad you had such a good Christmas! Happy new year to you all!
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